Wouldn't it be nice to auto-generate qualitative FAQs for your pages?
What The FAQ leverages the power of Huggingface Transformers & @Google T5 & to generate quality question & answer pairs from URLs!
Try the app here!
Select your best Q&As on the fly & export them to CSV!
1. Input a URL and the tool will suggest Q&As
2. Select the Questions and answers that *make sense*
3. Download the Q&As to create your FAQs!
Many cool content & SEO use cases!
✓ Use it for content generation
✓ Map-out Q&A pairs w/ your product, service or brand
✓ Research any topic & get Q&A pairs from that seed topic
✓ Differentiate your pages
🧰 About the stack
It's 100% Python! 🐍🔥
✓ Web framework: @Streamlit! 🎈
✓ Scraping tasks: Requests
✓ @Google T5 via @huggingface Pipelines - https://huggingface.co/transformers/model_doc/t5.html
✓ Not to forget @thiago's mighty Component for coloured labels! https://github.com/tvst/st-annotated-text 🙌
🛠️ Still To-Do’s:
✓ Optimise code to increase speed ⚡
✓ Increase RAM capacity to mitigate bumps and allow more content to be analysed!
✓ Provide additional Q&A algorithms
📂 About open-sourcing the code:
That code currently lies in a private repo. I should be able to make it public soon for you to re-use it in your own apps and creations!
Keep your eyes peeled! 🙌
Beta version
WTFaq is still in beta, head off to my Gitter page for bug reports, Qs or suggestions
▶️ https://gitter.im/DataChaz/what-the-FAQ
This app is free! You can buy me a ☕ to support my work if it's useful to you!
▶️ https://buymeacoffee.com/cwar05
🎲 Check my other apps! https://www.charlywargnier.com/my-public-web-apps